When I enrolled for FECAT 7 years ago, I told Brinda I’ll never continue in this space. And she said – Never say Never.

When I came on board as a student advisor 5 years ago, I told Brinda I’ll never be able to take on her role as a student mentor. And she said – Never say Never.

Having attended 7 graduation ceremonies, including my own, I always said to myself, I’ll never miss a graduation. For it is the purest joy of culmination, homecoming, and belonging that I feel, even when I’m not a part of it. But Never say Never.


My husband is unwell. Suspected dengue. And I must stay by his side.

I wish you all the very best in your journey ahead and hope we cross paths again. Stay connected. Stay true to your authentic selves. Stay in awe or your discovery. Stay in this present rejoicing. Just stay!

As for me, my journey to Holy Cross was cut short, as I made a u-turn and headed back home from the doctor’s, having made the decision to give the graduation a miss.

I was to give a vote of thanks today. But a vote of gratitude feels more appropriate on this occasion. To the trainers – Brinda, Anitha, Maitri, Susan, Sandhya, Asha, Belinda, Gretta, Preetha, Shuili – they are the mothers of SMArT, who have all been so generous in their sharing of knowledge and experience. To the supervisors – Brinda, Anitha, Maitri, Sandhya, Belinda, Asha – they are the fathers, who have not only held the mirror to the trainees but also held their hand. To the support team – Anita and Buddhiram – who are the housekeepers of SMArT. A thankless job but done with such cheer that without them, it would be impossible for the rest of us to go about doing our jobs.

As for me, your student advisor, I am the watchman, rather, watchwoman of SMarT – monitoring and keeping check. And in closing, I have to say – The FECAT Dropbox folder will be deleted tomorrow – so please download the content.

Good night, Good luck, Get drunk, and I’m sorry I never got to say Good bye.

And the violins play in my head – Never say Never!


Monica Gangoly

Student Advisor, FECAT

Vote of thanks delivered virtually by Monica Gangoly and shared whatsapp-ly by Brinda Jacob-Janvrin to the wonderful batch of FECAT 2018-19, at their graduation ceremony.


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