A conversation with Madhu Shukla on the therapeutic possibilities of Psychodrama in healing and transformation. 

The conversation explores the features of Psychodrama as a group-based method of exploring conflicts by enacting them in order to facilitate developing new behaviours and new ways to handle challenges.

Madhu Shukla is a certified Psychodrama Director (CP) and PAT based out of Bangalore. She believes in the power of creative arts to live and lead with creativity, purpose, and a sense of service. She is a story practitioner and co-founder of By the River, a storytelling initiative started in 2014 that revels in taking the joy and power of stories to adults and communities. Since her post-graduation in acting from The National School of Drama, New Delhi, she has also explored the applications of theatre, storytelling and psychodrama practices for personal and leadership transformation for over 15 years. She is also the co-founder of India’s first all women’s improv group – The Adamant Eves and is one of the early members of the improv community in Bangalore.

Madhu is a faculty at SMArT and teaches on 3 training programs – Foundation course in Expressive and Creative Arts Therapies (FECAT), The Expressive Body: Through Wounding, Trauma, Healing and Well-Being (EXB) and Psychodrama 101.

While Madhu facilitates workshops for a range of diverse groups, she is drawn to working with adolescent girls, helping them transition into adulthood through creative arts-based processes and practices.


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