Another year, another graduation.

This year was different – we couldn’t invite family, we all wore masks (mostly). But it was much more than that.

The year was completely unprecedented in that we had to move from in presence training to online training. The trainees spent almost a year learning to work with embodied presence with clients in person and had to suddenly learn how to switch online and continue to work with embodied presence. And we worried about how this disruption would impact them. But they made the transition with integrity and grace. As a result, their year-end presentations had a very mature and complete quality to them. Similarly, meeting them today after 10 long months, something had changed. There was a very grown-up quality about them. In the 10 months of disruption and chaos they had come face to face with their demons and found their ground to stand on. There was clear sense that the children had grown up, they were ready to fly the nest, they didn’t need us anymore.

And I cannot be prouder, or more grateful. To my pillars of strength – Monica without whom this transition online would have been a complete nightmare – Belinda without whom graduation is never the same (this year she also gave the graduation speech), Anita & Mukesh quietly working behind the scenes and to my brand new colleague Sathwik who makes my coming to the studio so much more enjoyable.

And big thanks to all the trainers, therapists, supervisors, program consultants, trustees, and advisory board who have over the years shaped this program into what it is.

Graduations are always tinged with the sadness of saying goodbye. Doubly so this year as we said goodbye to Maitri who has played an integral part in the design of this program in 2011 and taught almost all the years till now, and to Anitha who joined us in 2014. The time and energy you’ve given this program and this work is so deeply appreciated.

It takes a village… it takes a village!

Brinda Jacob-Janvrin

Trainer & Supervisor, FECAT

At the graduation ceremony of FECAT batch of 2019-20


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