The Expressive Body is our advanced level training program that has been designed to delve into the deeper cords of the foundation of the therapeutic relationship and explore poignant themes and topics in the current world of expressive arts therapy. Held in the Jungian expressive arts framework, an important module in this program is Bodywork in relation to Trauma which will be facilitated by Katia Verreault.

This conversation explores Bodywork in relation to Trauma as an important practise for Expressive Arts therapists as well as an offering to working with clients.

Katia Verreault is a Dance Movement Therapist with extensive work experience in multicultural settings and more specifically with populations affected with trauma. In her community-based and clinical work, she integrates trauma-informed practices while supporting individuals and groups who wish to integrate the body into their therapeutic journeys. Her work has taken her to Palestine, Uganda, Kenya, Greece, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and The Netherlands where she offers individual and group therapy sessions to develop Dance Movement Therapy education programs and workshops on trauma and restoration through the body.


More than Striking a Pose

More than Striking a Pose

It was the summer of 2017. Five years into my Jazz dance training – a dance form that had shaped, moulded and transformed my body and the way I moved. It was an annual dance-off and I was performing a lyrical Jazz piece. Before leaping into the routine, I stood in the...

Beannacht (Blessing)

Beannacht (Blessing)

Congratulations! My apologies I can't be with you all today in person, as I am outside Bangalore being with my family as our grandmother has passed on. Each of you is in my thoughts today. Congratulations to each of you for having embarked and initiated your journey...

Transpersonal Space and Trauma

Transpersonal Space and Trauma

The conversation explores the Transpersonal Space while working with Trauma and Mental Health. The panel, Brinda Jacob-Janvrin (Expressive Art Therapy and Authentic Movement), Laura Smith-Riva (Natural Dreamwork), Katia Verreault (Trauma and the Body) and Sukhvinder...

Narrative Therapy

Narrative Therapy

In this conversation on Narrative Therapy, Christy and Raviraj explore the idea of What makes a story and its influence on how we perceive ourselves, others and the world around us. They share stories from their lived experience and work and illustrate the politics of...

Time of My Life & Train Song

Time of My Life & Train Song

The batch before this one did their last bit online. The batch after this one met once in-person for the experiential sessions. But this class of 2020-21 got sandwiched between the 2 lock downs and were our test tube babies - nothing short of a miracle. They truly...