An Authentic Movement group
Pay NoW
2nd wed, Jul – Dec 2025
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment

2nd Wednesdays of every month

Authentic Movement is a simple but profound movement discipline in which the mover moves with her/his eyes closed in front of a witness. The mover is not ‘performing’ for the witness but instead waits to see what the body suggests, thus experiencing the sense of ‘being moved’ as opposed to ‘moving.’ As the mover moves, she also tracks her movement, refining her own inner witness accentuated by the external witness who tracks the mover and offers her own responses to the movement. This facilitates a journey into the inner world of the psyche.
Authentic Movement practice brings alive the transformation/healing possible with compassionate witnessing. It creates a safe and sacred space within which we can encounter both our wounding and our potential. This embodied encounter of more than one way of being results in a far more expansive sense of Self. We begin to access that part of ourselves that is greater than our wounding, the Self with a capital S as defined by Jung.
The group will be facilitated by Brinda Jacob-Janvrin.